- T4T to identify the date, time and venue for the training to take place.
- T4T to contact the Schools’ Choice team who will set up the course on CPD online.
- The Schools’ Choice team will inform you of your CPD course code and it is your responsibility to ensure your attendees book themselves onto this course. Please note we cannot issue certificates to delegates unless they are registered to attend the course on CPD online.
- T4T to deliver the training on the agreed date at the agreed venue.
- After the training session the T4T needs to send the register of all those who attended to the Schools’ Choice team.
- CPD register will be marked by the Schools’ Choice team and once completed the certificates will be issued.
If you have any questions, please contact the Schools' Choice team by calling 0300 123 1420 or emailing services@schoolschoice.org
Answer updated July 2019.