
Ledger Codes

Further to the FAQ re premises related SIMS ledger codes please ensure that the following ledger codes are not used under any circumstances as they are no longer available in oracle and therefore cause issues for the Payments Team when schools code invoices to them. 

13040 Grounds Maintenance - Basic Contract

13041 Grounds Maintenance - Variations

The correct ledger code to use is: 13000 Grounds Maintenance & Improvement

Please also note schools are unable to use payroll ledger codes (for example 3471A) when processing invoices, any invoices submitted using payroll ledger codes will be recoded to ledger code 30390 Materials Purchase.

Please click here for the most recent ledger coding list.

LEA References

There are still issues with schools submitting invoices without an LEA reference.  It is important that all schools quote the correct LEA reference as this ensures that the payment is made to the correct supplier.

Not providing an LEA reference may delay payments to your suppliers.

When requesting LEA references from the Payments Team please provide the full payee name, address and bank details for suppliers.